Rachael Holt and Micah Ward wedding will be in Australia for her family and then agina in the USA for his family.
Today on Yom Kippur four of us are at THE RETURN. A call to prayer for Southern Africa and particularly South Africa.
FOXFIRE TEAM IN ESWATINI for these two weeks.. setting ablaze hearts and lives with the light of the world, the spirit of God that raised Jesus from the dead … as Samsons foxes with tails on fire set ablaze the Philistines harvest fields in ancient times may the live joy testimony revelation of these young people including Jedidah set ablaze the live joy and glory of God throughout the Kingdom of eswatini
John built the succah, led the worship, set up electric lights and the menorah candles thanks be to God for his gentle grace
Jedidah sharing the word at marriage feast of the Lamb 2024/5785 with the family under the succah
Our toddlers all excited dressed in pure white linens the righteous acts of the saints ready for the marriage feast of the Lamb , they have made themselves ready no spot no wrinkle no blemish .. GLORY TO GOD AND THE MULTITUDE IN HEAVEN SANG OUT ALLELUJIAH ALL HONOUR AND GLORY ABD POWER BE UNTO THE LORD GOD OMNIPOTENT
Leviticus 23 is the chapter where God introduces to Moses and His nation gathered at mt Sinai the seven feasts of the Lord to be celebrated annually by Gods people as a prophetic enactment of Gods redemption story for all the earth. Each year the Lord called for us all those born into the lineage of Abraham and those grafted into through faith in the work of Jesus our saviour and redeemer. It is not recorded in scripture clearly when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea 5 miles from Jerusalem, but Caesar Augustus most likely used this last feast of the Lord celebration as a time to take the census since the harvests would be gathered in and the people would be in joyful celebration. The weather would be warm sunny and dry before the winter rains and travel to everyone’s home town would be feasible. Mary and Joseph both of Kibg David’s lineage were required to travel from Nazareth in the Galilee up to the mountains of Judea to the city of Bethlehem which means the House of Bread. Jesus is the bread of life and we break bread daily in remembrance of Him by whose blood shed from the stripes on his back heals our bodies souls and spirits as the bruising on his body take away our iniquities and the wounds and piecing of His Body from which His precious blood cleanses us from all sin and sickness making us pure and free from guilt shame sickness or poverty. This harvest celebration lasts seven days culminating in the Marrisge Feast of the Lamb. Then on the eighth day the day of Simchatorah when we dance and celebrate with our arms lifting high the Torah ( the Word of God) and the first born son representing Jesus who is the Word of God.
Jedidah sharing word if God with the family at last night if Succot under the succah in 2024
Tonight the night of John 7 when Jesus said I am the living water and drink from me sand you will never thirst again..James and Samuel arrived two days ago from Jerusalem each with a gift from God to worship with the harp.
The celebration of the blowing of the shofars or trumpets, inviting everyone to the banquet feast of the wedding of the Lamb of God. We rejoiced and danced and laughed and sang between the raindrops, lightening and thunder crashes, so the heavens poured out blessings and the sky lit up with flashes of great glory while the clouds rumbled the sounds of trumpets in the heavenlies.
Today was the day for our toddlers to lead and they used paper party blowers as a toddler style trumpet, while Samuel blew the ram's horn and James strummed the guitar.
The little ones had pasted cotton wool onto cardboard “lambs” . With the invitation in Revelations 19:9.
The electricity was totally out until we prayed the thanksgiving prayer for communion almighty God we thank you for feeding us with the Body and the Blood of your dear Son Jesus Christ through whom and in whom we have our being to live and to work in your power and glory forever and ever Amen
Blood of Christ that makes us cleaner than snow.
Mishael with concert pianist Ethan following annual spring dance concert
Samuel the dance worshipper and teacher with proud Auntie Elizabeth and solo star of Spring ballet concert MISHAEL ABRAHAM in Mbabane
Misheal Abraham Solo Dance
Mlilwane Wildlife Sanctuary is in the Ezulwini Valley of central Eswatini, south of the city of Mbabane. Today we visited on a preschool trip and short ride on horse in Mlilwane game reserve. Here is Sakani Abraham aged three
This month of August marking the 8th number of NEW BEGINNINGS, God completed creation in six days and the 7th day He rested to begin on the EIGHTH DAY the pages of life on earth, walking and talking, ruling and reigning with Adam and Eve, His crowning jewel of created beings.
Are we ready now for this unfolding of walking and talking with God our Creator as we enter the 9th month of 2023? Are we ready to celebrate Independence day on 6th September, 2023 with expectation, anticipation, hope, excitement and joy? What is in store for us as we put our hand into the hand of the Man who stilled the waters, healed the sick, fed 5000, raised the dead, paid our debt for sin and set us at liberty to once more rule and reign as Royal Priests in the Kingdom of God in the Kingdom of Eswatini.
Preparing the way for Eswatini this month, the Foxfire Team from Africa Enterprise in Pietermaritzburg arrived on August 10 for a weekend of Ministry. This was an amazing weekend setting new things into action in Bethany Mountain and Lobamba Lomdzala. First thing Friday morning the team was in the Tabernacle of Praise at New Hope Centre, Bethany. They led chapel for Hope Academy and Happy Overcomers, then jumped in the quantum to Manzini to record the Sunday morning EBIS devotional at Christian Media Centre. They had to have an introduction to Eswatini history of the gospel coming to our nation and led by Hepzibah Abraham the team went to visit statue of our founding king, King Somhlolo at a Jubilee Park in Manzini, then to the Old Stone Church Museum next to RFM Hospital in Manzini as it shows the story of the 150 years plus since the gospel (UMCULU) came to Eswatini in 1844. They toured Sobhuza 11 Memorial, Parliament, Lobamba National Church before visiting Gables.
Youth have boundless energy and on Friday night they led a lively and meaningful ministry service at Apostle Thokozani Dlamini Voice of God Church still using a tent in Bethany. Saturday was an amazing day of change and transformation for youth in Bethany and Lobamba Lomdzala. Sixty young people gathered at the Multisports Court at New Hope Centre that was a gift from YKK, Matsapha. Challenging issues and activities to make our young people think, discuss, take action, overcome obstacles and prepare for life with all its uncertainties, changes and redirections.
Sunday August 14 Foxfire ministered with dance, skits, testimonies and an amazing preaching by Foxfire team leader Pastor Zweli using Judges 5 the Gideon story with two key points: disobedience brings disaster as Gideon described his position and national condition while humble acceptance of who God says you are, leads to his second point, Obedience brings Deliverance, Liberty and Eternal Life in your individual life and in the Life of the nation.
In this next week EmaSwati celebrate Independence Day from British Protectorate and King Sobhuza II discontinued as Paramount Chief working with a British Government and began to rule and reign as Head of State of the Kingdom of Eswatini. He lifted up the UMCULU on that day and declared “This will be our constitution” and His Majesty pledged “to walk in the footsteps of Jesus”. Its time to greatly rejoice, God has been faithful to keep us as a nation and as a member among the nations. Can we take up the message of Judges 5: Can we choose disobedience and enter disaster or can we choose to obey God’s ways and enjoy deliverance, liberty and Life as long as there is life on earth.
September 1 is the 20th anniversary of the set of our first NHC children who moved into the timber house provided by God through Hope for the Nations in Kelowna Canada a city today being burned by horrific forest fires. Those three children were Anna, Debrah and Joel. September 1 2023 we are celebrating 20 years since their arrival and celebrating three university graduates and one fully qualified commercial pilot: Anna graduated from university of Eswatini with LLB law and is seeking a place to complete her articles; Debrah has her bachelor in theology from Swaziland college of theology ( formerly International Assemblies of God college ) she is in Israel serving as Intercessor and harpist worshipper song writer and poetry writer in Jerusalem and Eilat, Israel ; Joel with private pilot license, drone license and Commercial pilot license and is now ready for his first employment flying planes and drones; Phillippa although she arrived in NHC a little later has her bachelors degree in psychology and is applying to go forward with honours degree and masters degree to be licensed as a child psychologist with a passion to transform the development and potential of children in the meantime she is serving as Hope Academy Administrator and doing wonders in leadership. So we are celebrating all of this with thanksgiving and praise on September 1, the 20th anniversary. It would be wonderful to invite all of you who love Eswatini who believe that orphans are tomorrows leaders to join us in person but since it is a great distance we invite you to send cards by airmail or email or Facebook to these wonderful young leaders or send gifts through NHC Inc so we can purchase gifts for each one of the graduates and gifts to fund a great dinner with friends and family
“ I am a Benjamin. I am seven years old. My left eye was being lazy and I was using my right eye more, I thank God the Holy Spirit moved my caregiver to report the problem to auntie as the three of us attended the eye doctor and he says it is good I must start using both eyes all the time. Praise God for help and praise God for sponsors who care for us and provide for Gods children”. Naomi Abraham his caregiver noticed his left eye was red and he was rubbing it frequently. When I talked to him he said it as itchy and clearly the eyelid was droopy. Something was amiss. He said if he covered the right eye then he could not see. Dr Mohamed the optician at Gables about 20 km from New Hope Centre arranged the appointment for the very next day. The problem he found 1) droopy eyelid is a congenital muscle issue which can be helped perhaps by exercise 2) itchiness is from eyelashes collecting dust and debris then making an allergic irritation so he taught him how to wash his eyes with clean water regularly and gave anti allergy drops to clear the present situation. 3) he was using his dominant eye and rarely stimulating his left eye but praise God this early remediation with lenses to correct vision in both eyes should cause him to begin using snd training both eyes,4) we praise God as the dr granted him a 50% discount and such generosity is greatly appreciated. May other professionals be touched to grant such generosity and help towards caring for orphans.
While we are talking about eyes and glasses we want to thank all those who have from time to time given us their used glasses. Please never throw away glasses that you no longer need or use, rather send to our treasurer John in Dayton Ohio if you are in USA and when someone travels he will be able to give to them to bring in their luggage. School kids and grannies snd grandpas lives can be transformed by this small thoughtful gesture. If you are in Australia send to our sponsor coordinator Allana . Much thsnks and blessings NHc family
John arrived back from USA. Before Yom Kippur ended with sunset he was on African soil thanks to United Airlibes and many many kind people. John was in USA for the past nine months as he volunteered to care for Mac McKinney tje widower of our former cofounder and director June McKinney, who was struggling with life management at age 85. Now Mac is being cared for by four caregivers from an agency and John arrived hone ar NHC Tuesday AFTERNOON AROUND 3 pm 26 th October2023 after many growth n maturation experiences gif which we are eternally grateful and celebrate Gods faithfulness through the supernatural and through the kindness and generosity of his sponsors, our usa treasurer, our friends and family in Jacksonville Florida and all who have been praying him through this gestation period. It seems God used 9 months of gestation to bring forth a kingly announting in and upon His Beloved Son.
Foxfire team from Africa Enterprise based in Pietermaritzburg arrived at NHC Training Centre for a weekend of Ministry. This is so special because Jedidah Abraham is part of the team and is half way through her first year and she was amazing Sunday morning as she served as MC for the youth portion of the service. Friday the team led chapel for hope academy and Happy Overcomers then Zweli and Jedidah zipped off to Manzini to record at Christian media Centre then regular Sunday morning 10-minute devotional for Eswatini National radio. The whole team then led by Hepzibah Abraham went to visit statue of our founding king, King Somhlolo at a jubilee park in Manzini then to the old Stone Church Museum that carries the story of the 160 years since the gospel came to Eswatini in 1844. They toured sobhuza11 Memirial, Parliament, Lobamba national Church before visiting Gables.
Friday night they led a lively and meaning ministry at service in the White Tent at Apostle Thokozani dlamini at Bethany and many braved the cold night air by the Lusushwana river. Saturday was an amazing day with 60 or so youth from our community joining Foxfire for a Life Skills day using the multi sports court given to us by YKK the Japanese zipper factory in Matsapha, god blessed us with three gloriously warm sunny days and today august 14 Foxfire ministered with dance, skits, testimonies and an amazing preaching using Judges 5 the Gideon story with two key points: disobedience brings disaster as Gideon described his position and national condition while humble acceptance of who God says you are leads to his second point Obedience brings Liberty, Deliverance and Eternal Life in your individual life and in the Life of the nation. They have a long drive back home but we are truly thankful they visited us and we saw and experienced revival through Jedidah and her team of 7 Foxfire’s, the team coordinator, and team leader Zweli.
Jedidah is praying for Michael Cassidy, founder of Africa Enterprise Ministries
Pastor David Chaliyumba, our pastor at Destiny International Christian Church
Ms Joy, Hannaniah and Auntie Annie flying kites with the children. Ascension day is a national public holiday in Swazilane (Eswawtini), to wonder and ponder the rapture of Jesus and His return.
We Had a great day celebrating Ascension Day and had magnificent sunshine as we ascended Mt Njingo the highest mountain in Manzini area. My body muscles did not appreciate the unusual toll of climbing down… going up was fine but it still it was a glorious day with magnificent blue skies and brilliant white whisky clouds. Perfect for flying kits, watching the sky as the disciples did from my olives where Jesus was raptured and anticipating him once more appearing in the clouds and collecting all of His own in similar supernatural ascension into the heavenlies
Let’s go fly a kite, up to the highest heights. Let’s go fly a kite and see it soaring up through the atmosphere, up where the air is clear. Let’s go fly a kite.
Phillippa graduates in Johannesburg, with a Bachelor of Arts in psychology
We praise Gid for the Eswstini swim association sponsoring us for two one hour swim lessons per week at Mavuso trade fair in manzini. We have 16 teenagers and children in swim lessons starting with teo year old sakani then Hepzibah and nehemish are the senior advanced swimmers and Apphia just behind them hopefully she will join the next swim gala. We need help with paying the swim coach for lessons so if anyone knows where to find supporters for swim lessons we will be delighted!
Husband and wife Babe Bongani Masilela and Mrs Nelsiwe Masilela Saturday December 17, 2022. At new hope centre Bethany Mountain, our former big boys caregiver was married at our tabernacle of Praise.
Praise God of Winters baby calf born last week and doing well with his mother, his name is Emaculate so we call him “Emac”
A day of thanksgiving and celebration between YKK and New Hope Centre. The Japanese zipper manufacturer YKK visited New Hope Centre for a day of celebration. YKK have kindly given New Hope Centre a multipupose sports course for basketball, tennis and volleyball, six-a-side soccer and net ball. The initially gave us the court in 2019, but then COVID shut things down. It is now open for use to share with Bethany mission school and the children of our community
In Leviticus 23, the Lord spoke to Moses, inviting His people to meet Him annually on seven appointed times to proclaim each of these as a Holy Convocation. These celebrations were to reveal the ways of God in guiding His people and from Moses times Israel has honoured Gods invitation to remember what He had done for them historically and prepare themselves for the fulfillment in history. The first three feasts were fulfilled when Jesus came as the Son of God to be slain as the Lamb of God and to rise again after three days and ascend to heaven. The fourth feast (Umkhosi) celebrated the coming of Gods Word on Mt Sinai and was fulfilled at Pentecost on Mt Zion when God’s Spirit was poured out and His Word written in the hearts of man. The fifth, sixth and seventh appointed time remains prophetic as they are concerned with the Return of Christ or the Second coming (kubuya kwaNkhosi). Israel continues to celebrate and honour these last three Feasts prophetically and as the people of God born of His Spirit we too can enter into these prophetic appointed times until they are fulfilled and in so doing prepare ourselves more realistically in depth of understanding and revelation for the soon coming King.
This past week at New Hope Centre we called the Holy Convocation of the Feast of Trumpets(the fifth appointed time). Throughout the week daily in chapel John Abraham prepared a schedule of scripture themes or five days to prepare everyone to bring a deeper understand and fuller meaning to the event(Leviticus 23:23-25; Psalms 89:5,Ephesians 5:8-14; I Thess 4:16-18; I John 1:5-8). James Abraham the art teacher helped every child draw paintings or sketches of trumpets or shofar to decorate the Tabernacle of Praise; Jedidah Abraham prepared and led a joyous anointed time of worship and then everyone had come with their shofars(khudu horn or Umphondvo seShongolola) and we were blowing them bountifully. It sounded like a football game but the ball was the focus on the king of glory.. . for His soon return with the Trumpet Shout of the Archangel in the sky. Keziah Abraham prepared the seven candles in the Menorah (seven candlesticks)representing the 7 churches of Revelation and the seven Spirits of God before the throne. The glory of God was awesome n the place, Eswatini arise and shine for the Light has come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.
This week is the sixth holy convocation or Feast of the Atonement, a solemn appointment to prepare ourselves for the judgement times: Isaiah 49:5-8 and Isaiah 53; Psalms 22 and Psalms 110: Hebrews chapters 5,6 and 7 explaining how Jesus qualified as high priest, the better and final sacrifice to make us Priests and Kings in the order of Melchizedek. Emaswati look up for your redemption draweth nigh, how much God Almighty loves us as a people, how much has He moved heaven and earth for us to come into the full knowledge of our purpose and destiny. Next week is the final set appointed time, the Feast of Tabernacles (Succot). Give us a call if you want to join us one evening at New Hope Centre (2518 5304)
Miriam displaying her creative fashion design as she made her formal gown and water colour expression of her inner radiant self.
The storage container from Canada got a creative facelift and has a touch from everyone!
Sunday morning May 17 we arrived in USA for a dream come true snd many hours of training and preparation. This photo is the border post at mama shah crossing between the border of Eswatini since our countries were neighbors and on same covid code mauling it possible for us to reach the USA. We had left Bethany at 6:30 yo take the shuttle to mozabigue
After months and even years of training Ethan had won a nomination for piano solo to represent at the All African Student Conference during October 2021. He had studied music practicing every day. Here is Ethan, somewhat exhausted after driving 4 hours to Mozambique then after 28 flying hours. We thank Lisa Crouse and Whitney hosting Ethan Abraham and Dr Elizabeth hynd
Merry Christmas and a happy Birthday to King Jesus born in Bethlehem of Judea( the West Bank of today) ). He was born in a crowded city as everyone had come to their home town to be taxed but today in 2020 Bethlehem is deserted due to covid lockdowns( who would ever believe) even in Eswatini we are in lockdown n no cars are permitted in the roads after 7 pm over this Holy weekend, but we praise God that we are a big happy family a big bubble of safety from covid far from the city on a beautiful mountain called Bethany( the place if abundant dates)
All month we have gathered each night to light the advent candles, read and discuss over the scriptures pertaining to the promised a messiah and soon coming King of a kings, schools closed a couple weeks ago and preparations began for the party of the year, shopping for gifts for everyone thanks to wonderful friends and sponsors who sent us moneys to be able buy for one another: shoes socks school uniforms t shirts and pajamas, then shopping for Christmas Dinner with Chloe and Auntie, thanks to special gifts from friends who have visited us in time’s past and wanted to ensure we could celebrate the coming of the baby King Jesus with scrumptious food, a huge cake and even a trifle pudding, we thank each snd everyone who gave that we may be able to celebrate.
Tabitha returned from college in Cape Yoen eith brilliant drama dance choreographed production of the Christmas story; Miriam came hone from fashion school and pulled costumes together for the family Christmas drama which we would usually have presented at church but not in a covid 19 affliction year. Samuel back from YWAM in Hawaii, and Tabitha helped prepare presentations of dance snd song as presentations of our joy and adoration to God our Father gor sending His Son as Saviour yo the whole world, every tongue, tribe snd nation.
Joseph and chloe and team of volunteers with Debrahs oversight prepared Christmas dinner for 50 people. We still appreciate Ms Lindsey’s Christmas Dinner and preparation booklet and uncle Jason’s trifle recipe and training. We thank John n Caleb n their team for decorating the Star of David on the main house and the lights on hedges. We thank auntie Annie for getting lights in South Africa because none were available here, we had the nativity scene at the front gate throughout advent but brought it on stage for the Christmas Eve drama dance and celebrations,
The evening began with the shofar blowing and lighting of the 7 menorah candles snd the four advent candles reading from the gospels and revelation to focus our thoughts snd meditations. Then Miriam opened the gift of talents presented to honour king jedus with a poem,Jedidah a solo song, Apphia a solo piece on the piano and then we blessed the dinner and enjoyed the delicious traditional foods before continuing with the program. The whole family were involved in the Christmas drama dance, Tabitha sang magnificently a solo, hannaniah dance, azariah danced and they played piano solos and the finale of the night was solo piano piece from Mozart by Ethan. What talent what joy,
We took a break snd ate trifle before proceeding with an hour of games led by Joseph and Hepzibah, then watching the Christmas Carol movie before celebrating communion together using a glass of grape juice and piece of Jesus birthday cake while lighting the Christ Candle. Truly He is the Saviour, the Light of the World.
We then opened all the gifts and especially the surprise gift boxes from Auntie Debbie who is sms Tracies aunt living in Johannesburg, she has prepared special gift boxes each year and Phillippa with auntie Annie drove up to Johannesburg to collect them in time, this was no small endeavor as the two had to take covid tests to pass through the border.
Christmas night we were blessed with tons of soaking doggy rain without the drama of lightening thunder hail or power outages hallelujah. So we awoke to a beautiful clean world of gentle yellow sunshine on Christmas morning, we jumped into the Toyota quantum a gift from Brandon in Missouri USA two years ago and the Isuzu van a gift from the Fungs in Hong Kong 17 years ago as well as auntie Annie snd auntie Elizabeth’s cars, to attend a sweet gentle service of adoration of our beloved Lord Jedus at the Swaziland college of Theology where Debrah is a fourth year baccalaureate student in Theology. Right after the two services (social distancing snd masks) auntie drive Debrah to Manzini as she was preaching live on national voice of the a church Radio for a radical message challenging us all to have our hearts ready for Christ’s return as Simeon and Anna were ready snd in tune to meet the Saviour in the temple in his 8 th Day circumcision snd dedication and not to find ourselves asleep as were the citizens of Bethlehem or fibd our hearts cold and dark like king Herod on the night of all nights on earth when the Son of God was born in human flesh and the angels in the heavens announced PEACE ON EARTH GOODWILL TO ALL MEN FOR UNTO US A BABY IS BORN, SON IS GIVEN, THE SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST EMANUEL (God with us).
A favourite activity, making shoulder bags from waste materials
A farewell team photo at the end of the Art Exhibition
Caleb Abraham thanks Sandy in a farewell celebration. Sandy, who came to us from Taiwan, has been our Hope Academy art teacher. What a creative and beautiful, courageous young lady, truly and honour to have had her with us.
We are all alive n well and praise God for a splendid day and a chance to worship him in the splendor of nature when roadblocks make it a challenge to move our family to church
Today is a splendid day as we gathered in the mountain for outside church service. Roadblocks have made it a challenge to get to church as a family so we gathered together n our pastor joined us for the word of God from Ezekiel 37: son of man can these dry bones live? Asks God. He asks us each to asses our situation the seek him for His Word to cause the situation or circumstance to move forward into Gods good and perfect will. So God have Ezekiel the words and he spoke to the dry bones in the valley, the bones came to life at the sound of the words spoken by Ezekiel and they came together and an army strong and mighty rose up, so it is if we will capture Gods thoughts orHis Words and speak them into being do we will determine the making of our lives and our future as individuals and as nations
21 day Daniel fast during covid 19 lockdown in Eswatini as we have met on the seventh day for three weeks. Sis Ngeti our senior caregiver in the mainhouse and a few others have been praying for Israel for the Church and for our nation during this lockdown. Currently 21 have been diagnosed in the country and one man has succumbed and passed away. We are now in the second 21 day lockdown. We believe this is a wake up call for everyone to evaluate our lives, our priorities, our relationship with God and our relatives, friends and neighbors. May God bring a wave of new life in this season
Pentecost 2020 celebration on Bethany mountain outside in the cold night air, temperatures around 7-8degrees Celsius with cloudless clear skies. We have been studying Isaiah 11:2-3 as preparation for Pentecost concerning these seven spirits of God: the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and the fear(awe) of the Lord, the spirit of Christ that were seen by the apostle John in Revelations 4:5 and before the throne seven lamps were burning which are the seven spirits of God. So we had huge gas burners giving the concept of the seven flames before the throne of God
Jemimah leasing as master of ceremonies with Ethan and she opened the evening with the scripture in Genesis 1:2 “the earth was empty and both out void and darkness covered the deep and the Spirit of God was over the face of the waters”
Priscillas dances for Pentecost
James has painted a dove representing the Holy Spirit of God who descended like a dove from heaven upon a Jesus of Nazareth as He came up out of the river Jordannupon being baptized in water by his cousin John the Baptist
We celebrated at home as the lockdown forbid more than two people in a vehicle. Pastor Chaliyumba of Destiny International Church came and shared the Word if God then we took flags and guitars and marched in praise around our entire campus in joyous celebration
Representative from Taiwan embassy speaking delight and encouragement to the Abraham family (Apphia is serving as translator).
The Abraham family have been preparing to share the a Christmas story for the past few weeks as schools closed for the academic year. We had graduations and awards then began preparing for the celebration of the birth of the King of the Universe, the babe in a manger, the Saviour, Counsellor, a Child was born whose kingdom will have no end. Practicing, memorizing the script, working out the props and costumes all to be able to present the story to Children who need love and healing.
Good Friday we spent fasting from 9 am to 3 pm as we watched the video of Mel Gibson’s movie The Passion. We stopped at each of the seven Wounds of Christ where he bled from his head in great drops of blood and sweat to deliver us from stress and the yielding of our flesh to the will of God. Then his beard was plucked and his face beaten and bruised for our deliverance from guilt and shame; then his back beaten into furrows with 39 stripes for the healing and health of our bodies; the crown of thorns pounded into his head for the redemption of our souls that we can take captive every thought of negativity and destruction and establish thoughts of the hood and perfect will of God concerning us; his nail pierced hands transforming our ability to bless everything we touch to prosper in everything we do and to release the power of healing when we lay hands and pray for the sick; the nsilpierced feet to enable us to be carriers of peace and shalom, taking the territory for the goodness of the Kingdom of God which is joy peace and righteousness and finally his pierced side for the healing of our broken hearts and the exchange of our hardened hearts for a living sensitive loving heart of flesh.
At 3pm we have hot tea and hot cross buns to break the fast then head up to the top of our mountain to pray for the Kingdom of Eswatin.
Holy Saturday we gathered under the”Lapha” and prayed together before heading out in two groups to visit each of the 15 stations of the cross giving ourselves the whole morning to stop and ponder and meditate on the meaning of our lives today in reflection of what Jesus was accomplishing through his arrest, trial, crucifixion, burial and resurrection.
Jedidah led the way: here is a Jesus being condemned falsely to death
Hananiah leading us in station 2
Tirzah leading in at the station between the tabernacle and preschool
Miriam leading us under the solar water pump
Mishael leading us below the cowshed
Mishael leading us below the cowshed
Priscilla leading us beside the main house where the young children live
Azariah leading us below Hope Academy
Jedidah leading us in the joyous 15 th station where the tomb is empty and Zhesus is alive having triumphed over evil, death and the grave. Halelujah
Many of our young adults have returned home for the lockdown and do we’re here to join the festivities
Debrah leading the entire Seder supper
Tirzah lighting the Shabat candles
Noah blessing the home as the father of the house would bless his family
All the food prepared for the Passover Seder supper though we could not find lamb in the country as 2020 is a different year
The banner of the lamb of God sacrifices for all peoples who will see hear and believe. The passage decorated by our Taiwsn art teachers and children as a symbol of passing through dry land in the Red Sea.
Passover is a joyous and happy time as we celebrate liberty deliverance obedience and trust in the Word of Almighty God Jehovah
Everyone gathering excitedly to enter the special Passover dinner celebrated only once a year, a dinner like no other when we eat married charoseth, hard boiled eggs, unleavened bread, lamb and wine ( grape juice)